How’s my new year starting out, you ask?

January 1, 2008 at 4:05 am (Eating Disorder, Health, Rants) (, , , , , , , , , )

I missed midnight because I was knocked out from two benadryl because the cherries I had with lunch did bad things to me. I get itchy all over my face, in my ears and throat and all swollen and blotchy. I don’t even know because the dietician at the hospital told me it is impossible to be allergic to fruit when I told her I thought I was. I love fruit anyway, so if it’s nothing, I’ll continue eating it. And benadryl makes me feel like I’m not even alive. I don’t feel like I’m breathing or my heart is beating. So it’s not hard to finally get some sleep. So yeah, I wake up at 2AM grumpy because my day sucked. I get on the computer. My disgusting mannequin has now made its way into proana collections. Which brings up all kinds of feelings. Guilt, disgust, shame, anger (<—- therapy speak, can you tell?) And for 2008, I’m already silently wondering how many more people will die, how quickly I’ll make a total relapse, how much lonlier I can get. I really want to take every person who makes a new years resolution to lose X amount of weight and smash their face in so they have something else to focus on improving. Why don’t people understand that instead of weight loss, they need to work on bad habits (ie compulsive eating), lifestyle changes, and HEALTH? ED sufferers would know, the more you focus on that number, the more of a failure you feel like. And you don’t have to have an eating disorder to experience that. I’m shaking right now, I’m so mad and scared and sad and I feel like I’m gonna throw up or something. I hope I’m not starting to have a panic attack because that’s kinda what it feels like.

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